Tuesday, December 21

grrrr water

so heather's comin over and i promised paella. we're going out of town tomorrow, so i have four loads of laundry and a load of dishes to do. i also wanted to mop the floors. go figure that today would be the day that we would be without water since approximately 10 this morning. they say it'll come back on 'sometime this afternoon'. well, i need to do dishes so i can make the paella. the paella needs at least 3 1/2 to 4 hours to cook in the crock pot. heather's coming at 6. this isn't adding up right in my head....

hmm... we do have some distilled water in the laundry room... i could use that to wash the frying pan...

but the clothes that need to hang dry will never be dry by tomorrow morning.

grrrrr water

Monday, December 20

yay! profile pic!

look at me. it only took one lazy monday afternoon and a quick sign up at villagephoto.com and i got myself a profile pic.

it's what i've always wanted.

or at least since mel and ashley got theirs up and running and i was left painfully behind.

but now i have one. i am once again part of the in-crowd.

so what do you think?

i look like mr. ed don't i.

Tuesday, December 14


ironic (i-ron-ik): i'm not allowed painkillers; therefore, i get headaches for the first time in my life.

Saturday, December 11

Say 'fetus'...

Here's my baby!! You can see his (or her) arm and everything!! Posted by Hello

Wednesday, December 8

that 70's uterus

that title is dedicated to ashalily.

so i went to the doctOr (thanks frankie) yesterday to hear the baby's heartbeat. yay!
but she couldn't find it. boo.
she also made me pee in a cup again. booo.
she said that either my uterus is 'retroverted' which i think means backwards? (she said not to worry about it...) or my own heartbeat was so rediculously loud that it smothered the sounds my baby could have been making. i'm already sensing that this baby could be more like josh than me...
then she scheduled me for an utrasound, which i went to today.
so i got to sleep in today! all the way til 7:30 ( a whole hour and a half!) and went to my appointment at 8:45.
i still didn't get to hear the heartbeat. but i got to SEE it!! the baby is so tiny! but still somehow bigger than i thought. it's an inch long from "crown to rump" which is the scientific way of saying "head to butt."
and i got pictures!! but i still haven't figured out how to post pictures on blogger, so i'm going to need a tutorial.
anyway, it's 10:30pm and i'm tired, so good night!

Saturday, December 4

a doctor and a mantainance (sp?) guy

ok, so it's the weekend and i'm actually home. that means i'm not working, and i'm not sleeping, so i'm actually writing in my blog!!

i went to the doctor on monday. it was very exciting. i am spelling doctor right... aren't i? ever since i met matt docter... doctor... i get messed up which is the real way to spell the word. way to go, matt. thanks a lot. but anyway. i actually didn't even see a docter.. doctor... i saw the 'nurse practitioner' and she was really nice. she told me i was pregnant. after she made me pee in a cup. i hate peeing in cups... grrr.... and then she tried to hear the baby's heartbeat! she thought she heard it briefly.. but josh and i didn't hear anything. so i'm going back on tuesday to hear the heartbeat and i'm bringing a tape recorder. i'm thinking cheap gifts for the grandparents... well, that's all i can think of that i want to talk about that. except for the brief warning to the girls out there... pregnancy exams are invasive. josh already said that i've gone through more than he'd be willing to. he said he would have wussed out at the blood test. guys are weak.

so anyway. about the maintainance (sp?) guy. actually... i really don't feel like talking about that right now. josh is making pancakes and that takes presidence (sp?) over lazy, gross, mean maintainance men.

so while i'm eating pancakes, you can see what the baby might look like by clicking here.
check out those elbows!

oh, and the due date is officially July 6, 2005, give or take two weeks.

oh oh, and i need names for girls. for boy names we like Malachi and Isaac and maybe Isaiah. but we can't find any girl names we agree on. we don't like ordinary names... that's the only hitch. it would be cool if they came from the bible, but it's not a necessity.
