Thursday, May 4

Teeth, Turtle, and Taylor

So Olivia broke our camera for the second time in a month. That's why no pictures. There's going to be a whole month missing from our online album. Oh well. We did manage, though, to get a video of her dancing. It's adorable. I'll have to upload it sometime.

She has six teeth now, and is very interested in pulling things out of whatever container she can find. She pulls pencils out of cups, trash out of garbage cans... And I'm sure in July she'll be more than ready to pull flowers out of a basket. She has yet to sleep through the night or crawl. But she walks more sturdily than some 2 year-olds I know. She eats whole peas and beans, toast, and yogurt, but refuses the mashed fruits and veggies. I don't know what to call her - delayed or advanced! Maybe that's why we're not supposed to label children?

Last Tuesday, Josh got information about his assistantship at Purdue. He'll be making the same amount he made this year, and it's guaranteed for two years. He didn't read the fine print until Thursday - and found out he was supposed to have made his decision by Wednesday. So he called them and got an extension until Monday of this week. Then he called Taylor to see where he stood with them. But with the recent tragedies, they were in no position to make any kind of a decision. So he accepted the Purdue offer. The only way now that we'll end up in Upland is if Taylor offers him a permanent position. He says he'd cancel his Purdue plans for that. But we don't think that'll happen.

So the only things that are left to figure out then is 1) where we will live and 2) how are we going to make up my half of the income? At Purdue, the classes are during the day, so I won't be able to teach.

Aaaaaaaand Josh and Olivia found a turtle outside in the parking lot today. His name is King Nebuchannezzar and he's the size af a half-dollar and he's living in our bedroom now.