Olivia got five deadly viruses injected into her thighs yesterday. It made my fight or flight reflex go wild. I wanted to attack the nurse. They made my baby bleed! The nurse said that they usually don't cry until the second shot, but that wasn't true for Olivia. You should have seen the look on her face. It made me cry. She was so very happy that day! She was babbling like she was telling the most interesting stories. She was smiling so wide! But when they stabbed her with that first needle, her eyes got so big, her smile disappeared, and she had this look for an instant that said, "I thought I could trust these people!" And then she dissolved into painful, angry screams and tears. I couldn't get over the betrayed look on her face for that half a second before she started to scream. I felt like the worst mother in the world.
Before she attacked my child, the nurse had told us that she may get a fever, and that we should give her infant's Tylenol after the shots. But we had been to the doctor just an couple hours prior because we thought Olivia was breathing funny and may have a cold. The doctor had told us not to give her medication because she was too young. So we took the Tylenol that the nurse gave us, but didn't give her any of it.
Then, at around three this morning, I woke up burning hot. (Olivia sleeps with us so we can get decent amounts of sleep at night). I thought it was the blankets that were on me, so I threw them off. But a half an hour later, I was still burning up. Finally, I realized that the intense amount of heat was coming from my child! I woke Josh up and asked if he agreed that she was really hot. He did and we got the thermometer. 103 degrees!! We called the doctor and he changed his stance on infant medication. We gave her the Tylenol, and when I left this morning for work, she was back down to 98.
But that's the excitement that has been going on around here lately.