Monday, April 3

Olivia Quiz

Olivia made a quiz. She says, "Take it or else."


Beth @ The Natural Mommy said...

by Gray Road standards, that's a C, Bonnie. :-D

Anonymous said...

My low score on this quiz proves that Olivia should visit Illinois more often so I can get to know her better.

Anonymous said...

i demand a recount. question 3 asks US which adjective WE would use to best describe Olivia. therefore, because it is a question of opinion it cannot be counted as incorrect.

Anonymous said...

whatever noah. stop trying to make up excuses. if you really new and loved olivia, your opinion would be the correct answer. i must love olivia more than you because i got an 80 and what did you get? oh yeah, that's right you got a 70.

Jes said...

is it good that someone who's never seen Olivia got a 50%? cuz if not... I stink... but I had to guess on sooo many... and I agree with Noah...