Just a quick note: At 11:02 p.m., Olivia rolled from her stomach to her back. She had been on her tummy for about 30 seconds (she hates tummy-time). She was doing quite well, all propped up on her elbows. Then, slowly, she straightened her left arm, rolling her over onto her back. I called out the news to Josh who was in the office. He came a-running. We put her on her tummy again, and she did the exact same thing again. So, no fluke. We now have a rolly-polly baby.
It also won't be long before she's sitting up unsupported. But I think that landmarker will be harder to spot. She does a very good job as is, she just tips sideways unexpectantly. So we always have a hand to spot her, making it hard to tell if she's sitting on her own or not.