Tuesday, February 8

boy? or girl...

March 3. mark your calendars. that's my next ultrasound. That's when I find out if I have a little boy or a little girl nestled within my womb.

Boy names:
Isaiah (but josh's cousin took it... grr...)

Girl names:

Oh, and everyone needs to hear this song and watch the video cuz it's frickin' hilarious.

So, i'm addicted to House and 24. I can't watch Alias anymore because it's the same time as my house church/bible study (so many names...) But people always call during those two shows. and it's always people i haven't talked to in forever and people that i really need and/or want to talk to. so i think i'm just going to register for House and 24 on dvd when i register for baby things (i know House won't be out yet... preorder). Hey, the baby likes it too. pretty sure.

and finally... i can manually turn my belly button inside out. yay for me, aren't i special?

Have a great night! I'm off to make a test.

beth and baby


ashley said...

i miss you!

melissa said...

how about naomi for a girl? i like that name. or melissa... hah jk. no one should ever name their child that.

FJ said...

HENRY!!!! You have to name a boy Henry :)
I thought you werent going to find out, you know, be suprised? When did that change?
Are you going to finish the year then, I assume? Some places place a limit on how pregnant you can be and work, and churches are usually stricter, so I was wondering. Then will you continue next year? Or do you know yet? :)
Well it's good to "hear from you" again. It'd been awhile....