Saturday, September 9

Breast-Feeding Ruins Marriages?

A friend sent me this link which completely shocked me. I couldn't believe a self-proclaimed man of God could take this stance! I have always seen it as God-honoring to use my body the way God intended. Giving birth and breastfeeding are among the top ways I can imagine doing that. Now this rabbi thinks that by husbands witnessing either of those two events, they will be less attracted to their wives and the children will in the end suffer because they will not see love in their parent's marriage. What do you think? Guys, honestly, would you rather not see these two - in my opinion - blessed events? Of course it will change the way you see your wife; she is now a mother! But shouldn't you see your wife that way? Because that's what she is! But she is still your wife as well. And girls, would you switch to the bottle even if you had a strong conviction to breastfeed because it made that part of your body less attractive to your husband?


ashley said...

Wow! Now that's a spin I haven't heard. Well I don't have children yet so I can't say from experience, but I'm inclined to agree with you - how wonderful that God created women with a way to feed their babies naturally, with all the nutrients needed from them to grow up healthy and strong! And to be honest, if men can't recognize how beautiful that bond is then I would be concerned with how they view their wives.

Anonymous said...

I haven't read the article, but I agree with ashley. It's amazing that God provided women with the nutrients that babies need! I would imagine that one of the most bonding times between a mother and baby is when the mom is feeding...Beth is that right?~Joanna H.

P.S. No you didn't need to pick up Pop culture Trivial Pursuit... it's fun, but really really difficult! I bet Olivia loves her play kitchen!

FJ said...

As a money-conscious man, I'd have to agree with breast feeding. To me, I'd be more upset paying the bill for lots of formula. That stuff's not cheap!!
On giving birth, well, I'm planning on opting out. Mostly because I dont want to remember the terrible things I will hear in there. Likely, I'd get mad over something then start shouting and have to be thrown out anyhow, so I'm gonna just excuse myself...

Beth @ The Natural Mommy said...

Oh, Frankie... If Josh had said that to me and left me all alone in the delivery room... let's just say it would have definately worse than him "get(ting) mad over something and start(ing) shouting and hav(ing) to be thrown out anyway". If Anna is truly alright with your stance on not being in the delivery room, then you've got one in a million. But from the depths of my heart, I think she would want your physical support there, holding her hand and being able to see your face when you see your child from the moment the doctor places her in Anna's arms. I know the first place I looked after taking in the beauty of Olivia was into Josh's eyes, and I can still remember that light I saw in them. I think you would be so focused on Anna and the baby, there wouldn't be anything to get mad over anyhow. So please rethink your stance, please? You don't have to actually witness the birthing part, but be there holding her hand, alright?