Thursday, February 15

I'm Losing Her...

I'm losing my baby girl.

I always knew she was her Daddy's girl. They have a special bond I could never duplicate. She sees me all day; I'm old news. I'm big and immobile; the Daddy can get down on his hands and knees and play. I do most the disciplining since I'm with her most. All these things contribute to her preference for the Daddy over me. Except at night. She has always pushed the Daddy away and wanted me to put her to bed. This is partly why I never encouraged weaning. I always said I'd let her decide when she was ready to stop. I loved being the Chosen One for one small part of the day. Yet, in the back of my head, I knew this time was coming...

The past two nights, my baby girl has pushed me away and clung to the Daddy at bedtime. We've tried this before - thinking it would be good preparation for when the new baby boy comes. She has always gone willingly to the rocking chair with the Daddy, but then, upon discovering it wasn't playtime, would scream and cry for the Mommy. Which made my heart swell. The past two nights, she has not. My heart has deflated. She has successfully gone to sleep with the Daddy. I am no longer the Chosen One.

I always knew they grew up too fast, but this is ridiculous. She's not even two yet and I want my baby girl back.


ashley said...

I was waiting to comment until a moment of inspiration hit and I had something amazingly encouraging to say. However... Nothing has come and I don't want you to think I don't care! I wish I knew what you were going through so I could say "It's okay"... but I don't really know that, and it seems silly to say something just for the sake of saying something. Soooo.... here's a virtual hug. *HUG*

Beth @ The Natural Mommy said...

Thanks Ashley! Sigh, baby girls have to grow up. It's just a part of life. Though, I did watch Tuck Everlasting the other night and that posed some interesting thoughts... Of course, for Christians, there really is no debate. Why delay eternity with Christ?

Dave and Ruth said...

Speaking on behalf of "the Daddy" I can only say how wonderful it is when we can finally put our children to sleep. You know what I mean. I DID NOT MEAN "put to sleep" like you might put your pet dog to sleep! I meant, being able to comfort your child and have them feel so relaxed that they could fall asleep in your arms. I better stop before I choke on the foot in my mouth.