Monday, May 17

but for the grace of God...

i wasn't able to post this on the 17th, but thanks to 'post options,' it looks like i did. tricked ya.

anyway, the reason i wasn't able to post this on the 17th... the 17th was a crazy day.

the port(folio) was due. so, being the intellegent person that i am, i stayed up until four a.m. to finish it. but wait.. i didn't finish it. i ran out of ink. oh yeah. so i stayed up til four a.m. to... not finish my port. that's right. do the math. i got two hours of sleep. then i went and taught two kindergarten classes. and during my lunch break, i went to wal-mart and bought more ink.

so i was tired, hungry, frustrated, and... oh yeah, CRAMPY. that's right boys, not cranKy... i was doubled over with horrible gut-wrenching pain. so i bought generic ibuprofen at wal-mart on my lunch break. and a diet pepsi.

so you would think that i would mark this day 'horrible' and file it as such, but no. the title is 'but for the grace of God' for a reason. i had a WONDERFUL day! the kids cooperated, were quiet, worked well together, listened... you name it! i wasn't even tired all day (don't know what was in that diet pepsi...) and i think i even found the miracle cure for cramps... generic ibuprofen and diet pepsi. must be the aspartame, but i have never taken anything that worked like that combination did.

in all honesty, today was a day when God was totally obvious in my life. i knew that nothing i was doing was myself. i was too sleep-deprived to have consciously done anything remotely intelligent. everything i did, every decision i made, even the attitudes of the children.. all God.

thank You.

1 comment:

ashley said...

thanks for the inspiring blog. :-) Too bad you weren't observed on monday instead on tuesday... ;-)