In an effort to persuade me not to move, Josh has illegally* installed our washing machine.

This is our dining room before the washer. It's a little messy because Olivia was awake, so my apologies. I have found it's impossible to keep the floor picked up until she is asleep Oh, and Josh left the milk out. The kitchen is to the left, I was taking the picture from the living room. Oh, there's Olivia's head! Can you find it?

This is the view from under the sink. The 1x4 board had to be attached to the back of the cupboard, and the metal tubing was all his work as well. (The board is there for the tubing to be attached to). He says this was the hardest part, purely because of the lack of elbow room while he had to manuever all this.

Here is the only damage he had to incur. He says it's fixable, but he most likely won't bother with it when we move out. I say, they should pay him for his efforts, and when we leave, they can up the rent, advertising their one and only apartment with a washer hook-up. Those are the hot and cold water pipes, by the way.

The hot and cold water pipes then run the length of the cupboards. He has since attached them more securely with brackets.

And this is our new laundry room/dining room/reptile room. It's a little bit of a tight squeeze for now, but we plan on eventually moving the reptile bit into Olivia's room, but that requires rearranging her furniture. For once, we're thankful we have such a tiny table! Oh, and I forgot to point out that there is a drainage hose going along the back of the counter (you can just barely see the beginning of it - it's black). At first, Josh had cut it so that it went to the first of the double sinks. But then, we found out that sink doesn't drain fast enough. I found this out one morning when Olivia was being particularly clingy and fussy. She would NOT let me leave her room. She would yell at me, pull me back in, and then shut the door. When I finally escaped, I went to the kitchen to check the new washing machine set-up and found a quarter of an inch of water covering everything; it had even gotten into the cupboards. So I cleaned it up, and when the washer drained again, I realized the problem, and had to hold the hose so that it would spray into the other sink, where the garbage disposal is. That sink drained much faster. Josh had to buy a 79 cent adapter to connect that hose to another hose to make it long enough to go to the other sink. He still hasn't trimmed it down, so it's about 2 feet too long and gets in the way a bit when I am rinsing off the dishes. But it drains! Whoo hoo! I have a washing machine again!
So it looks like we will not be moving to a townhouse. But I've come to the realization that I really do like our one floor apartment. I just wish it were on the bottom floor and that no one lived above us. But I like that I always know what Olivia is up to, and I'm always just a split second away. I like that I don't have to go up and down stairs to go to the bathroom or put things away. And now our apartment is cheaper, since we don't have to pay $40 in quarters each month for laundry. Although, we'll see how much the water bill goes up next month.
*We honestly believe we are actually not doing anything "illegal." We have read nowhere that tells us we can't install a washer. But we also didn't ask permission for fear of being told "no."
FYI most townhouses have bathrooms on both floors, so you wouldn't always have to go upstairs to use one. :-)
But I like your hookup! I am so glad you're able to get your washer in your apartment. And it seems like you have a nice place, too! I want to come see you and meet little Alexander this summer when we're up in Indiana! Are you going to be around?
The one we were looking at and the one I had the floor plan to didn't have one on the first floor because of the laundry room. And you DO need to visit us! Sometime in April? So you can cook the meals and clean the house while I take care of the babies in a much sleep-deprived manner? :-P
Aww I wish I could come in April, but I'm coming in June and again 3 weeks later in July. Unfortunately I don't have the vacation days to come up more often than that. :-( But I'll definitely see you one of those other two times.
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