Thursday, July 12


Olivia came into the kitchen while I was cutting up an onion in preparation for dinner. She pointed and made a noise that sounded an awful lot like "onion". I said, "Yes, it's an onion. I'm cutting the onion for dinner."

She disappeared for a bit and came back into the kitchen. This time she had her plastic onion with her. She held it up to me and made the "onion" noise again. "Yes!" I said, a little more enthusiastically this time. "Onion! Mommy is cutting an onion for dinner."

She disappeared again and came back a third time. In her hands, she held her plastic onion and her blue plastic knife. Making the "onion" noise, she drew the knife back and forth against the onion.

These are the moments that melt a mommy's heart.


Unknown said...

awww...I'm not even a mom and that makes me happy!! Way to go, Momma Zapf and Olivia!!

Beth @ The Natural Mommy said...

Joanna (B? H?)- You didn't even see the picture that went along with it! It was there last night, but when I posted this morning, it had (how typical of Blogger) disappeared. It's there now; and it makes the story that much sweeter!

Unknown said...

it was Joanna H. Yeah, the picture is quite cute!! Keep these stories coming! I love reading about them!